How to Generate Captions - Accessibility Standards for useR! 2022

How to Generate Captions - Accessibility Standards for useR! 2022

  • Log in to YouTube and upload the video you want to add subtitles to. When uploaded, YouTube will generate an automatic subtitle using the channel’s default language or the language you have specified for the video.
  • Access to YouTube Studio.
  • Choose Subtitles from from the left-hand side menu in YouTube Studio.
  • Click on the title of the video you’ll add captions to.
  • Click on the three dots at the right of the language listed and select Download and choose .srt. This is a text file you can edit to correct any errors on the automatic captioning. You can also use this same files with Deepl to do a translation of the subtitles.
  • When you finish you can click Duplicate and Edit > Continue to upload the file.
  • If the langage you want is not on the list then click on Add Language button and select the one you want.
  • Clik on on Add and then click on upload file and select the srt file you edited.
  • You can check all is ok playing the video on YouTube Studio. You can also correct mistakes using YouTube Studio.